Golf Course Reviews
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Okay, I took some time to process this review....

Played out at Sherwood yesterday in preparation for a Scramble with my buddies next week. First, and foremost, the good. There has been a noticeable amount of trees cut back. I haven't been out to Sherwood since COVID had begun, and it was getting sun up to sun down play and was showing a lot of wear. The overhanging branches have always been an issue off the tee, and on some greens as well. But they have cut a lot back.

Now, for the bad. The tee boxes are mangled! So many bare spots! Many tee boxes were nearly all dirt. Next, the fairways, theres always been a handful of fairways that have the spotty cut jobs and in the middle of fairways, you will have large pockets of crab grass growing in the middle of the fairway. Which to me, why aren't they getting those middle spots? Next, the greens, and it was from the jump. They had reseeded or done something on the first green, but it has not turned into anything resembling a golf green. All 4 of us in our group and the other 4 in the next group all said the same thing about 1, every put was jumping around and you truly couldn't get a read on the putts. Next a few other greens, 2 and 13 the worse has large areas of bare spots that limit pin placements but also putting through those bare areas isnt golf. But now, with the bare spots comes with mowed down crab grass thats popping up in the greens. It knocks your putt off line, but understandably, a long distance putt can hit anything, but when theres tufts of crabgrass a foot off the hole, in your line, and it clearly hits it and knocks it off, it makes for a tough hole. I get the lay of the land, but pulling those has to happen.

Best part of the course was the bunkers, there was adequate coverage in all the bunkers, I was in 1 but from talking to the rest of the groups we played with, they said the same thing!

All in all, Sherwood is a fun little course, you can not go into this course with any high expectations. Can you shoot a number here? Yes you can, but you are playing the golf course but also, playing the lack of up keep. 40 bucks to walk and a bucket of balls is good low price on a Sunday morning.
Played this past weekend and had a blast! Before I go into my review, they have flipped the 9s since the last tiMe I have played and also have different ownership and prices(lower). We got off right at our 8:03 tee time and had groups in front of us but didn’t have to wait on them much. So POP was a good pace.

This course is a Peter Jacobson design, but since they have changed ownership, you can tell the differences a bit if you have played prior to the change. The course was much more expensive compared to now which is about 79 on weekends. But we had gotten there and the range was still being picked by hand on some of the slips on the range, so getting used to the green speed and chipping was all the warmup we got.

Greens out here are in GREAT shape! Greens were very fast! Most greens on the front are fairly flat but on the back, there is much more slope and especially on greens perched up against the hillsides. They look one way but coming off the hillside the opposite. So getting some good reads is key out here to putt well.

Fairways were in great shape and this is the first course during Covid Times, that actually had sand available in the carts. Even with the morning dew, you could get some roll out on drives.

Tee boxes is where this course is lacking and not just on Par 3s, which on some were very mangled and chewed up and had small patches of grass. But there were a few Par 4/5s that had lil flowers on the tee boxes and even between the markers. But they were flat and true.

Couple holes on the newly back 9 are a bit gimmicky, 16 and 17 are two that stick out in my mind. Fun holes none the less but just an interesting finishing 2/3 holes . The short par 5 is a good finishing hole.

It’s a course I’d love to play more and more and would be in my rotation if I lived closer.
I know I've made countless of Ridge Creek reviews, but haven't been out there in over a month. Distance Learning as a teacher and as a parent has been VERY tiring, but was able to get out Sunday, October 4th. After being away from my home away from home course, I have truly missed this course! With the heat we've been getting hit with over the past few weeks as well as the smoke, Ridge Creek is in PRIMO shape! Might be in the best shape I've seen it in.

Tee boxes were in very good shapes(we played Blacks) and there was plenty of coverage, with little to no divots on most. Par 3 holes, of course there will be divots, but nothing crazy.

Fairways were running! They were hard and fast which makes for a great round if you put the ball in the right spots out here. There were occasions where I was 20-30 yards past my buddies, and they aren't short hitters, but it was their first times out here. There were a couple times where the ball bounced off the fairway and bounced high, not sprinkler high, but the fairways were just that hard. Taking divots out of the fairways were deep but very good club/turf interaction.

Bunkers have been fixed from earlier, in the summer. A solid layer of bunker sand/dirt in them, luckily wasn't in any to have to worry too much.

The greens were soft, but quick. I don't know who sets the pins up but when we played on Sunday, they had some pins in some TOUGH places, on some subtle but tough areas. Which made putting a challenge, which made the round that much better!

All in all, the course from tee to green is in GREAT shape, and hopefully with the cooling down and settling into Distance Learning, I can get out here more. But Weekend Warrior status is tough.
Quick update from today, July 6th.

Greens that were punched a few weeks ago show little to no noticeable holes. They did the smaller holes as it is. But still ball marks on some of the greens that did not get repaired during peoples rounds. Green side Bunkers were in solid condition. Fairways are chewed up in many landing areas. Still trying to grasp why we can't get a Sand Tube, but can drive a cart. They wipe the cart down, why not wipe the sand tube as well. Just a thought for the golf industry in general.

All in all, course is in solid shape. This weekend is the Dinuba Open, so the course is going to be dialed in for that I am sure!
Played in the GK event on Wednesday 6/10. Course is in really good shape for the most part. My reviews of the course will always be the same, the course is one of my favorite courses in the Fresno area. But there are a couple concerns that are always there to touch on. The bunkers, both greenside and fairways always have been having rocks and pebbles in them. Yes, I get the notion right now with no rakes but still, either have someone sift through and clean out the rocks, or put new or more sand in them. Especially now with no rain in sight. Second, there are a few tee boxes that have noticeable depressions right in the tee box. Not sure with whomever sets the markers in the morning checks for this, but for those who don't always just peg it down in the middle of the tee box it can be noticeable.
All in all, I love this course, those two issues will not take me away from the course. It's a good test of golf, and when the wind kicks up it makes it that much tougher and better.
Greens have some areas that people don't fix their ball marks and thats the only sign of any issue but that's not the courses fault.
Well I can finally check off one of the Top 3 Courses on the Bucket List.

Words cannot describe the euphoric state that I was in and really still coming down off of such a special round of golf. But I will try.

Had a 12:20 tee time on May 19th. Got up to the range early, and thanks to Alex for all the tidbits of information going in. Everything was properly socially distanced for precautionary measures.

The course, the course was in great shape. Tee to green there was nothing out of place. The exception would have to be the bunkers, obviously with no rakes the foot prints and what not but never was an issue with a shot of any sort.

The whole day was a great day! The wind started really blowing when we made the inland turn, everything was playing minimum 1-2 clubs longer at least. When the wind is up this course, really shows its teeth. Even with a poor score on holes, you just look up from your scorecard and just take in the beauty that is Pebble Beach, and you quickly realize that a score out here doesn't matter much.

I had a blast, again, words are tough to come by and the memories will last a lifetime. But if you are ever in the market for playing this course, do it!
I've reviewed Ridge Creek many many times, and like Alex who played a day after I did. Course is in good shape, with the fairways being completely dormant. Greens were solid, and to be honest, pins were in some tricky places where multiple slopes could effect your putt(s).
This is hands down my favorite course along side with Dragonfly. But what has me concerned is the bunkers. I get that we're coming through the winter months, but the lack of coverage that is in the bunker has made some of these bunkers nearly impossible to get out of. I was playing with some buddies who are very good players and they struggled getting the ball out of the bunkers because the top layer is nearly nothing. We were chipping out of the bunkers instead of splashing out like a normal bunker shot. But the worse part is some of the bunkers that are in play have a TON of pebbles in them, not a few but completely riddled with pebbles. I would love to go out and work for Ridge Creek for a day or two (compensated through golf rounds) and sift the bunkers and get these bunkers cleared out of these rocks. Especially 18, the bunker that is in the middle right of the fairway is littered with rocks, that will eat up a club. I know that Ridge Creek will have sand in their bunkers once the winter season runs its course.

Not complaining, but just something that was noticed by our entire group.
Grabbed an early morning Hot Deal this past weekend for a round with a few buddies. My previous review(s) for this course won't change much for the most part. Greens are typical Madera speed, quick, but not fast, and all bowl out to the middle. Whomever placed these pins on Sunday(11/17) must not have been in a good mood! They were just off slopes and I've played here so many times, and there were placements that I had never seen before and they were tough!
But my biggest problem at Madera is the tee boxes, the tee markers seem to rarely be on a flat surface, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the Blue tees. I don't know if they just throw them down knowing that it won't get a ton of play, but for the few of us that do play "the tips" here, we seem to be looking for a good flat spot to peg one down. Why is it such a hard thing to find on many of these tee boxes?
Next, I am very understanding of the hardpan bunker in the valley, have dealt with my fair share. But when you lay sand,er, dirt down in the bunkers to give a semi-good looking lie, its really bad when the dirt is less than a 1/4 thick, and the hard pan is right under to bounce your club hard and typically blade the ball. Madera has visible drains in the bunkers, which helps drain them but do yourself a favor and actually give golfers who happen to be bunkered a chance and not fool them with a little coverage.
All in all, this is one of my favorite courses in the Fresno area, always affordable, and rarely do we have to wait on shots. You can rip it around this place, and not have to worry too much about being in certain spots because trees are well groomed and the rough isn't too damaging to a score.
Greens are back to their normal greens. There was not any noticeable punch marks or anything when I played. They said they did the smaller punches which healed really quick.
All in all, the course was in really good shape. We teed off at 6:45am and the round was a little over 4 hours. Played with a dad and his son and they had just taken up the game. But all in all the tee boxes were in really good shape. Fairways were very lush and were wet but still had some roll out in them in the morning. Greens, again were in good shape. Was able to spin shots but held well.

Only concern seems to be bunkers which had some pebbles and a couple had noticeably bigger rocks in them.

Make sure you take water with you. No water jugs or anything out here, which still baffles me
Played in the GK Event this past weekend and it was great company!!
The course is 30 minutes from my house and it’s become my home course per-say. The greens were dry and quick and I had the Scotty workin’ well!

Overall, not too much needs to be said that hasn’t already been said.

The rough is no joke out here! The weeds and native areas are no joke and it took some muscle to get it out which, most of the time I was able to but still wasn’t too accurate at times.

The biggest glaring concern I have with the course is something that many have mentioned already. The bunkers. Many of them were very bare and hard pan, which left many lies very tough. Especially on certain holes where tucked near a bunker. It’ll get a lot of play. I’m hoping since were getting into the summer, and the rain has long been gone, that they’ll put some sand into the bunker to give the golfer a chance at a solid, good chance at a good recovery.

All in all, the bunkers won’t stop me from playing out here. It’s a great course and a great place to grab a bite before or after your round!!
Played only 9 holes on Sunday due to a front that came in quick and fast and hard and practically blew us off the course.

We had a big rain over the weekend and was happy to get 9 in but was pleasantly surprised how well the course drains and soaks up water. Had 1 mud ball the entire 9 we played and that was because it in the hardpan/muddy area right of 1 fairway.

Greens were rolling well but slower than normal and that cost me many strokes! But overall the front 9 was in good shape.

The bunkers on the other hand were covered in rocks. My buddy and I refused to hit out of them because there was so many rocks. I get they probably didn’t get much work due to the rains but man I’ve never seen so many bunkers littered with rocks.

Got a rain check for 9 + a cart to finish our rounds and already looking at the weather!
Played a day earlier than Alex did, and won’t go into great detail because it’s obviously very similar to Alex review on Madera. The greens seemed slower than the typical Madera green speeds but also they were in good shape!
I still have a problem when the tee boxes are not flat. We play from the Blue tees but the white tee box on 1 is by far one of the worst around. It literally sits on a hump and your feet are either above the ball or below the ball and it runs the length of two or three clubs and not sure why they never level it or move the tee box to a flatter area.
Got a Hot Deal so it was worth the price on my end.
Still one that is an easy walk!
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