Golf Course Reviews
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Won't go into super detail, since this is my 3rd review of this course. But played on Super Bowl Sunday before the game. Got out around 10:30 after the early morning wave. There was a couple groups in front of me, playing as a single. First thing, the course was still EXTREMELY wet in places. Was really shocked it was not cart path only. There was a lot of areas that carts had been through and tore up the turf pretty badly. But most of every fairway was still playable.

The worst fairway would probably have been Hole 11, due to the fact the fairway is at a slope from left to right and how the water drains into the waste area on the right. That brings me to my next point, a lot and I mean a lot of the bunkers had standing water in them. Some at least an inch to two inches of standing water. We did get hit hard Friday afternoon with a huge storm that dumped in that area! There were a few bunkers that are going to have to be redone I'm sure. Hole 7, the greenside bunker on the left is probably one of the most effected since it sits below the green and is in the bottom of the bowled out area where all the water seemed to collect. A ton of erosion on the face of that bunker. I really hope they lay a ton of new sand in all these bunkers because they had some of the better bunkers in the area.
Greens were moist, but not slow at all. They had a lot of the pins in places where there was a lot of break which made putting tough. But kept you honest!

Word to the wise.... Get on their email list. They send out weekly discounted rates for certain days but always changing.
My first review of this course is detailed and in-depth. But this review stems from the conditions from this past week.
We had a team time for 9:45, and I got their around 9 and they were just ending s frost delay, and sent most groups out on the front, and one group ahead of us beat us to stsrt on the back, we played the back in less then two hours without waiting on any shot. The group in front of us was at least two to three holes ahead. I was walking while my buddies rode, which helped open up that gap.
But the waiting game came when we played our second nine, which was the front, and seemed as if eveeyone was going off the front. So the group in front of us was a group of 5 and was extremely slow, and never once waved us through or ever said a word. We literally waited on every shot we hit, sometimes minutes on end. Which turned into a 3 hour last 9 holes.

Okay, the course was in okay shape for being one of the lower ended golf courses around the Fresno area. We played it because the guys I play with like it. The course itself was wet for the most part from all the rain we've been getting, and couple thst with the cold freezing nights and there isn't much growth or green. Had a few muddy balls from wet areas. The greens were fairly soft but in solid shape.
Headed up to Madera this past Sunday on my birthday. It was super cold, and there was a frost delay that we expected, which turned out to be an hour and a half. Wasn't too worried about it, wasn't the courses fault. But we were able to tee off on split tees, which kept things moving.

The course itself was in solid shape. Fairways were in decent shape, the tee boxes were in good shape. Nearly all the tee boxes are level, but for some reason I can't figure out why the first tee box is not level, there is a hump in the middle of the white tee box nearly every time we've played here. Not sure why they never get around to fixing this. But it's a little quirk that I always notice.

One thing that many people thst golf around the valley talked about were the greens, they were messed up for quite some time, but when we played they were in really good shape, and would never have guessed there was any issue with them. And I noticed a few of the greens were narrowed and smaller on certain sides. Granted, nearly all the greens bowl out to the middle which is great if you miss it a little left or right. Bunkers were a little muddy but nothing too crazy.
I'm glad to get back up to this course, and will add it back to the rotation of courses we play now since we know the greens are back to a solid standard.
Played in the GK Guru outing last week, and it was a fun experience to via lly put faces to names of the more well known reviewers and local guys as well!

Th course is in great shape, and this is one of my favorite courses to play. I seem to really only play out here on Mondays because they have a great deal, where if you wear pink on Monday, you play for 39/29 ride/walk. So I have a tendency to play here on Monday. But this course was i. Great shape for our event, I noticed the fairways weren't rolling out as much as I'm accustomed to, and there wer some dry cuttings off the fairway, but nothing that made for any less of a great fun round. The greens were in great shape like usual, wasn't in too many bunkers, but the couple I was in, the sand seemed to be consistent from th couple shots I had to get out of.

My favorite part of this course has got to be the driving range and the short game area. They have multiple driving ranges, they have the main range which is right by the parking lot, and it is huge, with four different quadrants so they have the luxury to move them around. But then there are two others range areas that surround the best short game area in the valley. They have to undulating greens thst you can hit hundreds of different shots into either green. I tend to go to the back range hit a large bucket and take an hour or two on their short game area working on all sorts of shots and distances.
First and foremost, I've been playing this course the last few months with extremely cheap price. 39 bucks with cart that has GPS. Can't beat it! Join their email list to get these great rates!!

This course is one of my favorite courses around, not going to go into super detail since my other reviews talk in length about the course, but the new ownership has done great things with the course! Last time I played out here it was windy, so it made th course a little more tricky but still was great! There's nothing bad about this course, only complaint I would say would be is the greens are showing some wear, but that's to be expected after a busy summer I'm sure! But a simple arification will do the trick! But these greens are big, probably the biggest in the area which makes it tricky because they are able to place pins in different places all the time!
Fairways are in great shape, not overalls green but not dry! They are doing their best with water and the heat!
There are a lot of holes you can take different lines off the tees, which makes for a lot of fun!
I plays this course about a week ago from when I am writing this review.
This course is one of my favorite courses I have played! I won't go into a hole by hole description like I typically do with most of my reviews, since I've only played this course once and the others numerous times.

The front 9 runs through the trees and neighborhood, and has a lot of elevation changes, and opens with two Par 3s, which is interesting, then two Par 4s and then two Par 5s and then two more Par 4s and then a long Par 3. The front 9 is tree lined, like I said earlier, and there is quite a few blind shots, knowing this course can help out a bit. But the front 9 was very fun. This course isn't that long, so for longer hitters it can be really fun to hit a lot of wedges into greens. The greens were great! Ran true all day, not really any ball marks and they said they weren't going to punch this Spring, which worried me but they were great!

The back 9 is the bread and butter of this course, and is where they get the name, Poor Man's Pebble Beach. The firsr hole is a short Par 3, but then the rest of the back is nearly on the ocean. We picked the most picture perfect day you could play. Slight breeze and not a cloud in the sky. The hardest part of this side of the course was the dunes, and the blind shots you have to hit, again course knowledge is important but I noticed myself trying to see what was coming up next before I played a hole, since these holes run all next to one another.

For the price, this course was practically a steal!!! A round, a cart, and range balls, were 75 bucks. The Pro Shop attendant was super friendly! Was just a great all around day of golf! 75 bucks compared to 500+ I'll take the lesser and play more! Even though Pebble is still in the works!
Since I moved to a side of town, my course selection is now limited. Airways is about 5 minutes from my house. It was late in the day, and paid 16.50 I believe, to walk. This course is an interesting one. The fairways are pretty dry, despite having some rain in the few days leading up to playing. But typically, this course is dry as a bone, and you think you hit a good shot in the fairway, it has the potential to run another 30-40 yards down the fairway, or off the fairway into the rough, which typically is just dirt. But right now there are a lot of weeds growing up around the course. So if you don't stick one in the fairway, you have a chance to be hitting an awkward shot out of the rough. Another interesting piece to this course is there is so many roots that are exposed from the countless of trees that line the course.

Now talking strictly about the course, the course is interesting with it only being a Par 69. The first hole is a tight dogleg left, which if you can hit your drive high, you can potentially fly the dogleg and leave yourself a short wedge in. But only catch is, for most of this course, there can be a tendency to leave yourself under branches and not being able to flight the ball like you might like, so sometimes a punch out is needed. 2 is a straight forward hole. The one hole that always seems to cause me trouble is the Par 4 3rd. This whole is a dog leg left but with this hole. If you play it straight you are in the trees right or in the dirt. If you hit it up the left side you run the risk of putting it in the trees left or in the weeds. The next few holes are straight forward, nothing special. But the last two holes on the front are quite interesting. The 8th is one of two Par 5s on the course. It is a double dogleg, first moving left then right. Par here is a good score. The Par 3 9th, is probably one of the longest Par 3s in Fresno. On the card I believe it is 224 yards and when they put the pin in the back its about 235 or so. But the back plays fairly straight forward. Couple drivable greens back to back on 12 and 13. 14 is in interesting hole, its another hole if you play it straight theres a good chance of running into the tree right. If you can hit a nice high draw you can be in pretty good shape. If you go right, you are OB and on Clovis Ave. practically. 17 is a hole that you can play two different ways, you can hit something that can clear the tree branches that over hang practically the entire fairway, or hit an iron to a good yardage, just don't go long which is OB. 18 is a trick hole with OB running the entire right side of the hole.

The bunkers are in actually good shape, probably better than some of the courses around Fresno. But the best part of this entire course is the greens, these greens don't really have much wear on them, not many ball marks either. The biggest downside of playing this course, is the people, a lot of people go out here and hack around and don't understand the etiquette of golf. I've been hit into, I've had players on other holes just come out onto our fairway to find their ball. I've been stuck behind a 5some when playing by myself and rarely have been waved up or through. Def. will make the drive around Fresno to play other courses.
Just a quick update on Riverside, played out there last week in the wind and cold before this "big storm" was supposed to hit. Course was wide open, probably due to the circumstances of the weather. But the course was in pretty good shape! The greens are the best part of the course right now! They are in really good shape! Best they've been in a while IMO. They are doing some maintenance to make the course a little better, which is always great! Prices are really good too!
Wanted to update my older review on this course.

There is a new owner to Riverbend, and they've changed it to Dragon Fly. But the name change is probably the most smallest of changes compared to the course.

The first thing you can notice is the new management actually has put a sign on HWY 41 to let people actually know there is a golf course out that way. They've redone the parking lot, and have an attendant out in the newly created round-a-bout to take your clubs and hook them up to a cart. But my group and I just kept on going, because we walked that morning.

Next, is that biggest change of all. They flipped the course. Now the back is the front and the front is the back. Which makes total sense because the old back used to put you right back to the parking lot, and not into the club house. This is where the club used to lose a lot of money in my opinion. Now you come off the old 9 and you have to go by the clubhouse, and most stop and grab a drink and a bite to eat. Spending money, is the name of the game!

Now back to the course, the course is essentially the same course, but the greens are in GREAT shape when we played. The one noticeable difference to the course is that they took all the tully's out of the water, so your sight lines are no longer obstructed, and an easy roller can make it into the water, instead of catching up in the tully's. Overall the course is the same, and you can see that they are putting money into it, which is good, because it is one of the better courses in the area. Shot an 80 which is one of my best rounds out there!
This course is one of the better courses in the Fresno area. But it's out of the way. Off the 41 and about a 20 minute drive out past Friant. But the good news is you can do a little gambling across the street at Table Mountain Casino and play at a great course. Which the Casino actually bought.
This course is a course that you can never truly get comfortable at. Every shot is different than the one before. Practically every hole has some sort of elevation change. Starting with the first hole, which is an up hill dog leg left to an elevated green that if you miss on the wrong side of the pin, expect a easy 3 put. Speaking of the greens, when we played them they were some of the slower greens I have played, but they did punch them at the end of March, but are in great shape when we played last weekend. I really enjoy this course a lot, because all the different types of shots you must hit. One of the better holes has to be the drivable Par 4 10th. This hole plays from a high elevated tee and is a dog leg right with two big Oak Trees protecting the green, I typically take 3w and take aim at the left Oak and play a cut into the green, been green side numerous of times. But I have taken driver and been on the back of the green a few times. These elevated tee boxes can be tricky especially when playing in the wind. Knowing what the wind is doing is vital playing at this course, because with all the changes in elevation clubbing up or down you have to have your ducks in a row. For the price this course is great! Carts come with GPS, so you always know distances, and the course is in great shape. But if you tend to spray your ball left and right, bring a lot of golf balls, because you are bond to lose plenty. Last piece of advice for this course, make sure you know where the pin is, and which tier it is on, because if you are above the whole on some of these two to three tier greens, a big number can come your way quickly.
This is probably one of the top courses in the Central Valley hands down. Right now the course is in great shape!! Was one of the longer courses I've played. Everything about this course I loved. It was well worth the drive from Fresno, which once you are on the 99 it's a quick drive up to Chowchilla. This course can really test all the clubs in your bag. With water on the majority of all the holes, you've either gotta hit it straight or trust the shot shape you choose and take your medicine if it does not work out. I lost 1 ball in a palm tree and none in the water. The greens were extremely fast, probably the fastest in the area, with Ridge Creek in Dinuba coming in a quick second. Not playing this course before I did not know the greens and the different levels and how the greens were contoured behind mounds of grass so it was aim at the center of the green on most shots. Like others have said, when the wind comes up it can really play games with you, and add at least a club length to your shot. Pay close attention to the trees and how they are blowing ahead of you, because sometimes the wind around you can be doing different things compared to the wind up at the green. Again, everything about this course was great!
This will be my second review of Madera Muni.

We in the Central Valley have been experiencing extreme dry conditioned(prior to last weeks rains) and the courses I have played have been extremely dry, and I thought Madera would be the same. But a couple weeks ago, my group went up there and played, and it was in the best shape its been in since I have been playing up there. The fairways are dry but not bone dry, there is shades of light greens all throughout the fairways. The rough is thin, but the only real trouble on this course is 1. playing from the hardpan, 2. playing from the trees 3. the water on 14,16 and 17. Locals know Madera greens always run true and a lil fast, well right now, they are running a little faster than normal being that we have not had much water lately. But that is not a bad thing!! Most all the greens are surrounded by knolls, and they have them shaved down so you can play your shots off the back of the green and get some substantial spin and roll back from them if the pins are in the back. The bunkers it seems as if they are trying to better the bunkers, and I believe in my last review of this course, I had mentioned that they were practically hardpan, but now they have actual sand in them and you can take an actual bunker-like swing in them!!
Lastly, the gentleman before me mentioned about the Foot Golf, I have played 5 rounds out at Madera in the past month, and I have yet to see anyone actually playing this new game. Also, there should not be a problem with the Foot Golf course, because it is played in and around the trees, they will not ever be on the greens or even the tee boxes. They are the only ones who are trying this in the area, will it catch on? Probably not, but due to the volume of soccer being played in this area, they are trying to bring a different type of "golfer" out to a course, where they might never have been before. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't stick and they packed up the Foot Golf course at all.
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