GK CUP 21 Scoring & Standings
Reporting responsibility is on the winner of the match
unless otherwise agreed. On your match report, please clearly show:
1-How the the front 9 point was won/tied.
2-How the the back 9 point was won/tied.
3-How the the overall match point was won/tied.
Anything else about the match you would like to share. And
as always, have a good time!
Preliminary match play period 5 months (3/1/25 through
Standings and list of eligible opponents
W/L Pts ----- Net Pts ---- MP - OMW --- Rank/Player
W-L Pts = Total match points won and lost.
Net Pts = +/- total points.
MP = Matches played.
OMW = Overall Matches Won, need 2 or more points in a match
to earn a tie breaking point here.
** Qualified for semi-finals
Tie breaker to advance (or for 1-4 seeds) if one or more
players are tied after pool play:
1-Head to head total net points won if tied players played
each other regardless of how many tied. If inapplicable or still tied,
2-Player that wins the most overall matches, if still tied,
3-Player with the most overall net points, if still tied,
4-Using the winning % (points won compared to points lost)
of all opponents played, the person who played the opponents with the higher
winning % of their matches played, if still tied,
5-Player who achieved their final point total in the least
overall matches played, if still tied,
6-Player that posts their final point first, if still tied,
7-18 hole match to determine who advances.
Other Tie-Breaking Procedures:
Only one player advances to the playoffs in any tie-breaking
step. Remaining tied players revert to the first step of the tie-breakers. As
an example, if two players remain tied in any tie-breaker step after all other
players have been eliminated, the procedure reverts to Step 1 of the two-player
format to determine the winner. When one player wins any tiebreaker, all other
players revert to Step 1 of the tie breaking format with just their results
counting for the remaining tied players.