Etiquette Moments: A Pre-Shot Routine How it Should NOT be a Showstopper!

Written by Etiquette Nerds

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Etiquette Moments: A Pre-Shot Routine and How it Should NOT BE a Showstopper!

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Ok, so it has been discussed until it makes your ears hurt...a pre-shot routine definitely can help settle a player down and get them focused before hitting shots...leading to better scoring. One thing it should not be is a game stopping laborious process that drives your playing partners nuts...Jeff and Amy from SwingPointMedia and Etiquette Moments share a simple yet effective process to create and use a Pre-Shot Routine.

Enjoy this edition from the Etiquette Nerds and SwingPointMedia; another Etiquette Moments Video.

Keywords: Golf, Video, Pre-Shot Routine, SwingPointMedia, Golf Instruction

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