Ridge Creek Dinuba Golf Club

3018 Ridge Creek Drive
Dinuba, CA 93618 • (559) 591-2254

Dinuba, CA (93618)
[Full Forecast]
Humidity: 62%
Wind: N at 5mph

Sunset: 7:13 pm
green Sunrise: 6:52 am


1. rgm2525
Posted: 06/05/24 8:58p
Member Since: Jan 24, 2005
From: chatsworth
Played 6-2-24 in the morning as a threesome, finishing in about 4 1/2 hours with very little waiting. Tee boxes were in good shape, mostly level with decent coverage. Fairways were in really good cond... Continue »
7.2 Conditions
2. rgm2525
Posted: 10/09/23 11:15a
Member Since: Jan 24, 2005
From: chatsworth
Played 9-30-23 afternoon walking as a single. Went out after an earlier shotgun start so had the course to myself, and finished in a little under 3 hours. Overall course is in about the same shape it ... Continue »
7.4 Conditions
Topic: Ridge Creek Dinuba Specials
Posted: Jul 22, 2009
Just wanted to post some specials on behalf of a big supporter of Greenskeeper.org - Ridge Creek Dinuba Golf Club. We had an outing up there in March, the course is awesome - read the reviews. [u]Specials:[/u] [b]Shoot Out on the Vineyards[/b] Ridge Creek will be hosting a 9-hole event the...
Topic: GK Casual Golf Outing -- Ridge Creek Dinuba!!!!
Posted: Mar 19, 2009
Just got off the phone with the one of the Golf Pros there at Dinuba. There is a Yardage Book for sale in the Pro Shop to get the lay of the land. I cannot stress how important a book like this for a course you are unfamiliar. It would be a Great investment! Essentially there is no rule of thu...
Member Since: Dec 30, 2002
If you can bang it out there at least 230 on the fly, don't layup from the tee. Knock it over the bunker on the right. The hole sets up to be much more receptive to approach shots coming in from the right side and even if you spray it right, there is plenty of open space although you might have some difficult rough to contend with.
Member Since: Mar 24, 2004
Aim just left of bunkers on right. Second shot to trap on right will give you around 100 in. There is a waste area on the left. Kiss your ball good bye if you find yourself in that junk. I did and I was lucky if you want to call it that. The heather will, if you're lucky, only cost you a stroke.

Playing Conditions
Not Rated
  • Course Statistics
  • 1107 of 2,337 Overall Rank
  • Value
  • Layout
  • Service

- Driving Range: YES (grass)
- Practice Chipping & Sand: YES
- Practice Putting: YES