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Played last Sunday the 15th teeing off at 8am. Starter did a good job letting us keep our time even though a group that was supposed to tee off at 7:30am waited for their last person to show up and wanted to go off before us.

The course is starting to come out of the dormant season, with green grass starting to poke through the brown. I give it a couple more weeks before the fairways are green again. The rough is still having a tough time coming back, as some of the rough around the greens were patchy, making it tough to play chips.

The greens have healed completely from the aeration, and man are they running smooth. Aside from some unrepaired ball marks, they ran so smooth and quick. Definitely the highlight of the course. Receptive of well struck shots, providing plenty of spin, which can be fun with the undulations.

The sand remodel is still underway, but the majority of the greenside bunkers have sand in them now. The deep bunker on 15 has real good sand in it, allowing you to actually play a shot out of there instead of swinging and praying.

Overall, the course is continuing its upswing in performance and play-ability. If you're in the area, it's worth a check out.
Played on March 10th as a twosome going off at 7:30am. I saw that the greens had been punched courtesy of this website, but I hadn't had a chance to get some swings in in some time so I decided to use the time to practice on the course.

Before I teed off I had a chance to talk with the super there, and he told me that the punches are the large ones, and this is due to him trying to get more sand down below the surface to drive out the fungus and poor soil that has derailed the greens in the past. He said depending on how this goes, it may take one more punch this year to fully insure that the roots of the greens are clean of everything that's been killing them each year. He also said that he's starting to turn over the sand traps near the greens, and you can see that some traps have heavier, almost river bottom sand in them. Although not ideal, they're much better than the hard pan that has been the norm here.

As for the rest of the course, the fairways, rough, and tees are still dormant from the winter, making for uneven and tight lies throughout the course. Hopefully this rain and sunshine will begin to bring back the grass.
Finally getting around to making this review, but on January 25th I played here with some friends while we were in Vegas for a work convention. Having never played a Vegas course before, I blew off the warnings of a windy day and we teed it up anyways. As windy as it was, the course was still very enjoyable. While we suffered through 30+mph winds throughout the day, we still were able to enjoy the TPC layout and customer service. To gauge the wind, I teed off on 3 with a 5 iron and was 35 yards out from the green.

Tee boxes were in great shape, lush with plenty of grass to play from. Fairways were lush, a real pleasure to hit from. Rough was thick around the greens and less penal elsewhere. Greens had a surprising amount of ball marks that didn't seem to be properly fixed. They were quick though, especially as the wind dried them out throughout the day.

Overall, TPC was a nice course, but aside from the par 3s there weren't many holes that I found extraordinary. I'd play it again, but only if I could find a deal on a tee time.
Played 12/9 as a foursome as a part of a tournament for our men's club.

After a lengthy hiatus from swinging the sticks I finally got out to brave the cold and get some swings in. There was a 30 minute frost delay, so our shotgun start was delayed. It was still nice, as Riverlakes hasn't been a course to adhere to frost delays in the past.

The course has begun to turn over the dormant, as they didn't overseed anything but the tees and greens. The fairways and some parts of the rough have started to turn brown and give way to tight lies, so stingers were aplenty.

The greens though, the greens have turned around completely. After the excessive heat turned them patchy and dead, the super here has them looking and rolling, dare I say it...quick. I hope he can continue to turn the greens around to the point that they'll be able to start rolling them again. With the greens undulations and breaks, having some speed will just add to their challenge.

The bunkers still suck. Maybe an inch of sand before you're basically hitting off concrete. They have begun to turn over the dirt on some of the bunkers around the greens, so there's fluffy dirt there, but still hard to play out of.
Played on Veteran's Day as a foursome. Our tee time was at 11:37 but when we got to the course we were informed they were running 30 minutes behind. On top of that, they were charging an 18 dollar "service fee" that I've never heard of. Our round cost us 72 bucks and I'm guessing it's because of the holiday weekend.

POP was abysmal. We waited on every shot, as the group in front of us thought they were on tour. By the time we made the turn they were a whole hole behind the group in front of them. We saw the marshall plenty but he never said anything to the group in front of us. We teed off at 12:15 and we played speed golf on 18 to finish at 5:30.

Regardless, the round was fun. Morro Bay's greens are always tricky, and the fairways provided great lies throughout the day. Some of the rough was thick in places and others it was patchy.

Tee boxes had good coverage, but some could use some leveling. The few bunkers on the course had great sand in them.

As always, the views were spectacular of the bay, and this course is always one I'll come back to, just maybe not on a holiday weekend.
Played 9/2 with my dad, teeing off at 8:30 on an uncharacteristically hot day in Arroyo Grande, as temps reached 100 before cooling off.

The course, always being in great shape with good greens, seems to be falling off a bit. The greens weren't consistent, some being quick and others being slow. Some greens had small puncture holes in them. Not so much a full punch, but little ones that altered the putt just enough. The course was very wet, and I experienced many plugged shots on the green and some even in the fairways.

Rough was the highlight of the course. Thick and really grabbed your club just about anywhere on the course. We even lost a few balls even though we had good ideas where they entered.

Tee boxes were pretty beat up. As it's a shorter course, target golf type of course, many people opt for irons off the tee on many of the par 4s, and as a result the divot damage is pretty bad. Also, some tees are pretty uneven.

Fairways were consistent, but as I mentioned pretty wet. Nice to hit off of and felt good compressing a well hit iron shot.

Bunkers had thick, sometimes wet sand. Tough to play out of.

Overall, I wouldn't pay the full rack price for this course. It's nice, and has the bones to be a great competitive course, but right now it seems that it's losing its luster, especially for the price.
Played 8/25 as a part of my bachelor party trip, and what a way to start the weekend. I had read plenty on the beauty of this course and watching the Pro-Am backed up what I read, but reading and watching do not do this course any justice. If you're ever in the south lake area, you need to play this course. Not only is it beautiful, it challenges you on nearly every hole.

We played the combo tees and teed off at 2:00pm. The starter Paul was helpful with how to play the greens, basically don't be above them, and told us that the lake doesn't have a big effect on putts like an ocean does. Find your line, hit it, and it'll go in. Greens were running at about 11.5, and the only "knock" on them was that they were bumpy towards the end of the round, but only because of foot traffic and nothing else. Greens held well-hit shots, providing plenty of spin off wedges and shorter irons, which surprised me considering how hard they were.

Fairways were lush, providing great lies throughout with not one brown spot to be seen.

Rough was thick around the greens, making getting the ball close a chore regardless of where you hit from.

Tee boxes were great, with plenty of grass coverage on par 3s and level lies throughout.

Traps were great, a real pleasure to hit from. Fairway traps were a little soft, but the one I played out of had been in the shade so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with how the sand played.

We saw the cart girl twice, which was enough considering their prices.

Again, I can't stress enough how amazing this course is. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth every dime. I will most definitely be returning and playing this course again.
Played 8/21 teeing off at 10:50 without a soul on the course all day but my group.

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was unable to play at Marine Memorial with the other Guru's on Friday 8/18, so the itch to golf was fierce going into the weekend.

Rio Bravo was set to close down this May after not turning a profit for quite some time. In March, some homeowners on the course banded together to purchase the country club in hopes of saving their home value and the course. They have since turned the country club into a semi-private club, where the members get access to the course from daybreak to 10:30 am, and then it's open to the public. Their hope is that it'll drum up interest for people who would want to have a membership there.

Anyways, the heat that Bakersfield has experienced all summer has definitely had an effect on all the courses in the area(we had something like 53 straight days of 100-degree weather). Fairways are drying up, greens are either too watered or not enough, and tee boxes are showing the effects of constant use.

Rio Bravo has always had great greens, and today was no exception. Aside from some minor mold growing on the greens as a result of over watering, they ran smooth and quick.

The tee boxes left a lot to be desired, as they are uneven and don't have much growing on them.

Fairways, like I mentioned, are dry. There are some lush areas near sprinklers, but the majority of them are dry. The rough is spotty at best. 3 yards off the fairway and you're either in hardpan or thick grass.

Bunkers were nice. A little on the hard side but enjoyable to hit out of.

I hope the new owners are able to turn the course around. Maybe once the cooler weather comes they can attempt an overseed in hopes of getting the fairways back to lush, maybe even revamp the tee boxes completely.
Got a last minute invite to play in a scramble tournament up at Poppy Hills on Sunday. Teed off at 9:30 with light fog and gray skies, but by noon the clouds had burned off and we played under beautiful weather the rest of the day.

The tournament played from the "2 Poppy" tees, and those tees had some uneven lies and divot damage, but for the most part were decent. I'm guessing it's a popular spot to play from for the seniors, as its only 5800 yards. Fairways were in great shape, offering nice lies throughout the course. Greens were receptive of well-hit shots and were firm in the afternoon sun. They rolled true and quick, especially putting towards the ocean. Traps were great. I played out of a couple after we finished our hole just to experience them. Beautiful white sand, and there's plenty around the course that look shallow until you're in them and you can barely see the top of the pin.

I won't comment on the pace of play, as playing in a scramble tournament with cart path only really made for a very long day. Great course, can't wait to get back to the peninsula and check a few more courses off the list.
Played 5/22 with JohnnyGK, Nickesquire, and d_sal13. The course was wide open for us and we took our time around the course at about 5 hours POP. As said already, the sanded greens put a damper on our overall experience, but a day of sanded greens beats a day at the office any day in my book. Having never played River Ridge, I was pleasantly surprised by it's length and general toughness as a course. A lot of long par 4s that play even longer when you have a stiff breeze in your face. While the course layout isn't necessarily taxing with wide open fairways, the wind always makes you consider club selection and ball flight.

The greens, although sanded, are very deceptive. I can't imagine them rolling at an 11 or 12 with the undulations and breaks that they have. Once these greens are free of sand and return to their natural form, this is a golf course that will challenge any handicap.
Played 4-26 as a single. Tee time was 1:45 but the front was way backed up so they let me off the back. Not a soul in sight until I got to 16. POP was right over 3 hours as a single. Weather was nice, a little breezy at times but very enjoyable for Bakersfield.

Played the black tees and there is always plenty of grass and level spots to hit from. Fairways are in good shape, nice tight lies throughout. Rough is thick in some areas and thin in others. Hit a wayward shot into the long long grass that lines the outer rough and good luck finding your ball. The bunkers, as always are poor at best. With how high some of the lips are it's nearly impossible to get your ball out without skulling it over the green. The greens are really coming in nicely. They are rolling pure, still a bit slow but smooth. There are still plenty of people who don't find it necessary to fix their divots on the green but for the most part, every green is in good shape. In fact, the greens were almost hard. Not a lot of spin to be had in the later portion of the day, so it was a nice change of pace from the soft greens I'm used to playing out there.
Played 4/22 as a twosome before a shotgun tourney. Teed off at 7:50 and got stuck behind a foursome that just didn't seem to mind playing slow and having us wait for most of the day. What should have taken us 3 hours or less took up about 4.5 hours. It's a great course, though, and the weather was perfect all day.

I played from the tips and the tee boxes were in excellent condition. Minimal divot damage and plenty of coverage. The fairways were in great condition as well. Semi-soft but still got some roll out on some of my drives. The rough was thick around the greens but less penalizing around the fairways. The bunkers had great sand and were a pleasure to hit out of. The greens were as always hard and not very receptive unless you hit it high and pure. I had multiple well hit longer irons that just didn't get the check up that I usually get. The greens had recently been verticut and also had a light dusting of sand as well. It didn't affect the speed of the putts too much, as they were rolling quite fast, but getting the breaks read correctly was a challenge. I talked to the starter after the round about the greens and he said that because of how much rain they've received they have been having some trouble keeping the greens at their regular condition, so the verticut and sanding was basically their way of punching without losing the greens for a month. Still, a very enjoyable round and I'm sure in a few weeks once the greens have recovered completely it will be even more so.
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