Golf Course Reviews
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I was able to get out to LR yesterday for the first time in a couple of years and the first time in the winter. The course is in great shape for winter. Dormant bermuda roughs frame the deep green fairways spectacularly. If you haven't been here in a while, there have been some changes of note due to Covid. The golf shop is no longer in the main clubhouse building up top. Instead, it's been moved next to the snack bar right next to the range, putting green, and 1st hole. From a golf operational standpoint it makes a lot of sense for them. The only downside is they lost a lot of size and wow factor when you arrive since the new shop is smaller and darker but gets the job done quite nicely.

Course conditions were great throughout. Tees are lush and level. All you could want. Fairways have full coverage and provide a really nice hitting surface. The rough is mostly dormant bermuda however, since it's slightly warmer in Laughlin at night vs. Vegas, the bermuda is still hanging on for dear life in some spots which can lead to some fluffy lies. I was in a few too many bunkers but all were very good. Greens were awesome! Rolling at medium fast speed, holding shots, and little to no ball marks! This was my 3rd time playing LR but the first time that the wind was really blowing. It was a consistent 25-30mph all day. That made the course play LONG! It was unrelenting but fun in a masochistic kinda way lol.

Single or double rider carts were at the disrection of the golfers. Snack shack was closed by 1pm but the restaurant was full service and open at the clubhouse after the round. Gas carts are still in good shape but word on the street is that they'll soon be replaced by a new fleet of lithium ion carts. I sure hope Troon is buying the largest capacity batteries considering how hilly and large the property is. I can't see those electric carts lasting more than 27 holes max. I love this place and am looking forward to my next visit already!
Played Mojave yesterday with Johnny, Rob, & John and had an absolute blast. I don't get to play as much as I want any more so it was awesome to hang out with the fellas. It was my first time playing Mojave and I heard all about the nightmarish summer Bermuda rough. Thankfully, it's winter now and the bermuda is dormant and does a wonderful job of framing the lush deep green overseeded fairways. I would say that all aspects of the course are in good to very good winter conditions. Yellow tees have full coverage although some are slightly unlevel. Not a big deal at all. Rough as mentioned is dormant bermuda and not penal except for some bunker surrounds. I was in several bunkers and and found them all to be playable with a good amount of sand. Fairways were very nice overseeded Rye and provided a great hitting surface. Greens were firm but receptive. They rolled slower than they looked but were consistent and true. Some of the pins were in some "fun" locations yesterday lol.

Service was minimal but friendly. The usual in the Covid world of golf. I found the course to be quite visually deceiving. The distances to fairway bunkers, doglegs, and end of fairways had our group scratching our heads several times throughout the round. But it was a really fun time and I would love to play here again. Thank you boys for the fun and laughs and thank you Johnny as always for setting it up and all that you do!
Got a chance to knock one off the list today. Finally got out to SoHi a couple of years after moving here. Previous reviews cover the layout and design very well. The impressive clubhouse greets you as you pull into the valet area. Due to COVID practices, they aren't allowed to park your car so it's functioning as a bag drop area and then you self park. Hats must be removed and cell phones in pockets when you enter the clubhouse. The shop is small but well stocked. Met our caddy Jamie outside as we made our way to the double ended all grass range, warm up area, and putting green. All these areas are as you would expect from a high end private club. Service was awesome from start to finish.

Course conditions were a solid 9-10 all the way around. There was some work going on a couple of fairways where half the fairway was undergoing the process of Poa removal. No worries though, if your ball landed on the half under repair, the caddy would move the ball to the side that was unaffected. Turf conditions were outstanding for summer! Tees, rough, bunkers, were all perfect. Greens were holding shots and rolling true at medium fast speeds. Some pin placements today were diabolical and I couldn't imagine what they play like when they are up to tournament speeds in the spring and fall.

This course is a golf photographer's dream. Every single hole is a visual masterpiece! Hats off to Robert Trent Jones Sr. & Jr. for this stunning design. *Fun fact, Sr. designed 1-12 before sadly passing away, leaving Jr. to finish the last 6 holes. If you're ever invited to play here, make sure you clear your schedule and go play it! Now...who's got the connections for The Summit?
Was back in LA for a day and decided to hit up the old home course. I'd lean more toward the reviews of sngernz and 24hourgolf. Not sure if this is because I've seen this course at its peak but right now it is a sad shell of its former self. Having said that at least you can see the effort being put into the course to bring it back better playing conditions. Fairways as has been mentioned are 50/50 re-sodded vs. muni conditions at the moment. But there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how they're doing it? #12 is new sod on the right half of the fairway up until about 200 yards from the tees. The left side is playable. Beyond that distance it's all re-sodded and GUR so if you're a longer hitter you can either drop in a bunker, rough, or go back 10-100 yards?? Weird. I'd say about 75% of the holes have some sort of maintenance at the moment.

Most tees were fine although #14 was literally dirt and crabgrass. Greens were rolling well at medium pace but were soft and wet so even screaming hot long irons and woods would stop within a couple feet of where they landed. No issues encountered with bunkers or rough.

Since the Babe is still operational, management might want to consider shutting down the Ike for a couple weeks to let the super do their thing and get back to where it should be. At the current moment/pricing it's a hold for me. I really don't know what to make of it other than to say I'm sad but hopeful.

Don't know what the numerical rating came out to, but I'd say 4.0-4.5 currently.
Always enjoy the annual GK event at Rams Hill and this year was no exception. Course conditions were just about as good as always but I'll be that guy and say that the greens weren't as good as I've seen them before. Now mind, you we are talking about Rams Hill's ridiculously high standards so take it with a grain of salt but I found them to be slower and bumpier than I can ever remember but that just means they're still better than 95% of all other courses. All other aspects of the course and service were great as always. The new GPS equipped carts were really nice. Food on the patio was tasty albeit slow arriving, but we had nowhere to go anyway so we just enjoyed the day. Thanks again to Johnny and the staff at Rams Hill. Already looking forward to the next event!
Finally got around to using my free round with 2 other buddies that also got the email special. My review would basically replicate Nick and Caligolfer's so I can't add much. Course conditions were d%mn near perfect and you'd really have to be super picky to not like how the course if playing currently. Yes it's CPO since they just came out of overseed but if there's ever a course that CPO isn't so bad it's the former Ocean Trails since most fairways are barely wide enough for Shaq to lay across lol. I mean there are some seriously tight fairways here and if you're off by even a little bit it's going to make for a long day! The weather was PERFECT. Views were amazing and the price was the BEST! ;) Service is as expected for a course of this caliber. If you still have that free round hurry up!
What can I say about Wolf Creek that hasn't already been said?? The place is just plain WOW factor x 10! Everything you've heard or seen in pictures is absolutely true. Played today with fellow GK'ers Matt, Rob, and John and we had so much fun. They use a split tee system here and we were the first group off #10 at 8:50am. Starter warned us that front 9 had tee times going off until around 11:00 so take our time so as not to get stuck at the turn. We played at a nice leisurely pace and never saw the group behind us all day! We got to the turn right at 11:00 and caught those groups for the entire back nine for a total POP around 4.5 hours. Not bad on a holiday weekend.

Course conditions can pretty much be summed up like this. Everything was perfect or near perfect with the exception of the (White) tee boxes which were surprisingly poor on many holes for a course of this caliber. Either torn up or on sloped pretty bad. But if there is ever to be a weak spot on a course, I'd rather it be the tees than anywhere else.

Greens were firm and at times scary fast if you were above the hole. They have some crazy undulations on them so we all did our best Bubba golf impersonations during the day just messing around.

Fairways- PURE

Rough- Lush in the areas surrounding the greens and starting to go dormant around the fairways.

Bunkers- All new Augusta white sand and they have a coarser texture than most but they were great to play from.

Service at all levels was excellent. No drink cart driving on the course but it was parked in the lot by the clubhouse.

With all the stunning views and elevation changes this is definitely a bucket list course. Not for the faint of heart or those with vertigo issues though! ;)
Out to Rio Secco yesterday with GK Gurus JohnnyGK, sixpez, & rob1563 and as always with this crew it was a blast! Yesterday might've been the most challenging conditions that I've ever played Rio in since it was blowing pretty much 20-25mph all day with some gusts that were stronger than that. Add that to some of the challenging holes and it made a somewhat tight and tough track into a beast on several holes.

Course conditions were very good all the way around.

Tees were fine for the most part with some that had some minor issues but nothing drastic.

Fairways were a nice dark green, had decent roll out and padding underneath, and were contrasted nicely by the bermuda rough that is transitioning to dormancy.

As I mentioned the rough is beginning to go dormant so it wasn't really much of an issue off the fairways. Around some bunkers and greens they do have some nasty long rye that is coming in but those areas were scattered throughout.

Bunkers- Well...there's certainly a lot of them and a lot of sand in them. Beyond that I'll let Johnny review those as he quite the day getting a first hand look at them ;)

Greens were rolling really nicely and true. Firm underneath so it's best to allow for some run out on chips and pitches. Full shots with some height seemed to hold ok.

Service here is always on point and we saw the beverage cart several times during the round. The guys at bag drop were friendly and helpful as well. Always love this place even if that front 9 eats me alive with the tight holes. I can't wait to be back although hopefully without the howling wind.
Also played with the Guru crew yesterday. Thanks Johnny for setting it up! Not much else to add to Ed and Johnny's reviews since they covered just about every aspect. Really enjoyed myself as this was my 2nd time playing Bali Hai and it was just as fun as the 1st! Course is in all around good to very good shape with fairways being worked on and a few unlevel tees. But the rest of the course is really nice and I had forgotten how demanding some of the shots are out here. All the par 3's are fantastic and my favorite part of the layout. My ears are still ringing from the free air show overhead but I'm a plane geek so being able to wave to the pilots is definitely unique.
Had the opportunity to play in an outing at Cascata today. Funny how timing never worked out for me when the GK Plays were here and the year I move to Vegas, there wasn't a GK Play out here lol. Not much to say that hasn't already been said and done at this wonderful course. From the private gated entrance, excellent service at bag drop, the clubhouse with a waterfall running through it, to the pro shop with a make your own Arnold Palmer stand with fresh baked cookies and fruit. And that's all before you even get to the grass!

The range is awesome hitting against the backdrop of the water cascading down the hill. The putting green provided a good glimpse of what was to come on the course.

Course conditions were GREAT for summer in Vegas. Better than anywhere else I've seen this season. Yes the fairways and rough had some areas of heat stress but name a course that doesn't this time of year? Bunkers were good and had no issues. Same with the tees. Greens were PURE! Holding well, rolling fast, and other than a couple of small areas on a couple of them, were so smooth and great to putt on! Our caddy was very helpful with all aspects of the game. He mentioned that the greens were "pretty bad" for Cascata. Can only imagine what they're like in peak season if this was slow and bad. Wow!!! Can't wait to come back and hopefully with some GK'ers next time!
Sitting here inside Slate Restaurant with Matt and Alex while waiting for the namesake burger and the rest of the GK’ers to finish their round ;). We were the lead group for the outing today and finished in a tad under 4 hours while playing through one group on the front and some minor waiting on the back. The course is mostly in excellent condition with the only exception being the bunkers. Green side had good sand but a lot of rocks in them and some of the fairway bunkers look like they’re being let go completely. But other than that the course is super green and lush! Greens were slower in the morning with the moisture from last night’s rain. But once they dried out they sped up a bit. Fairways were like carpet and super nice to hit from. Rough was healthy but for the most part, manageable. Tees were no problem at all. Simply put I love LR and will look forward to many more visits in the future. Thank you Johnny for once again doing all that you do!
Return trip to Coyote Springs yesterday for the GK Plays. It was great to see some familiar and new faces make the trek to the middle of nowhere. After having played it a few months ago in January I could definitely notice some slight changes in the course between then and now.

Greens now are slightly bumpier and slower than they were in January with some more noticeable areas of heat distress that I would guess would be from the 115 degree temps that came through recently. But with that said they were still better than the majority of courses that you'll find at this time of year in the desert and while slower than previously, that does NOT mean slow! Downhill putts and chips were still a challenge to the max and some pins today were in interesting locations.

Fairways are playing firmer and faster and balls would roll out quite a bit. But they were pretty lush and always had a nice lie and padding underneath to hit from.

Bunkers...thank god I wasn't in all of them like that last time! The couple that I did visit were nice with newer sand. No problems there.

Rough is not quite fully transitioned from Rye to Bermuda yet so it was manageable and a nice consistent length throughout.

Tees were lush and some holes could use a mow as they were a little shaggy but understandable as it heats up.

POP was a little under 5 hours and that's probably because of the brutal wind gusts that rolled in around the time we started the back nine. Couple felt like they got up to the 40mph range. Watching balls hit the invisible wall on #17 was fun in a masochistic way. Service was great at all levels and they brought out box lunches with Gatorade to us on #10 which was super nice of the course! I really love this course and just wish it was closer to civilization. If you're planning to go for the first time make sure you have a full tank of gas and/or stock up and refill on gas/food/supplies at the Love's travel stop at the 15 & 93 junction if you're coming from Vegas. That's all you'll see until you reach the course. Thanks John for once again outdoing yourself and thanks to Coyote Springs for hosting us. Can't wait to be back!
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